Akron Area Society for Human Resource Management (AASHRM) is now accepting applications for the AASHRM Scholarship Awards. These scholarships are open to all active AASHRM members, with recipients to be announced at the AASHRM meeting in August.
To qualify for a scholarship award, applicants must:
Awards: The scholarship includes one SHRM Certification Testing entrance fee and registration for a study class in 2025.
Source of Funds: These scholarships are funded through the generosity of the Akron Area Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (Akron SHRM).
Selection Process: The Akron SHRM Advisory Board Committee will review all applications and select the award recipients. The Board will consider the overall achievements of each applicant and may refer to a panel of experienced human resources professionals for in-person interviews to determine the final winner, depending on the number of applicants. The committee recognizes that strength in one area may compensate for a deficiency in another. The committee’s decisions are final. Please note that eligibility to receive an Akron SHRM Scholarship Award is limited to once in a lifetime.
Application Requirements: Applicants must submit the following by email to President@akronshrm.org no later than April 30, 2025:
1. An essay, current resume, and two professional references.
a. Essay requirements:
i. Your future career plans, goals, and aspirations.
ii. Your participation in AASHRM activities.
iii. Your leadership ability.
b. The resume should include the applicant’s education, employment history, and volunteer activities.
2. Two professional references.
Presentation of the Award:
The scholarships will be presented to the recipients during the AASHRM June 2025 meeting.
Application Submission: For questions about the scholarship and application process, please contact the AASHRM President at President@akronshrm.org.
To learn more about AASHRM, visit our website: https://akronareashrm.ohioshrm.org/