
President's Letter

Dear Akron Area SHRM Chapter Members, 

I’m honored that you are taking a few moments of your time to visit our website!  If we have learned anything over the last few years, our time is precious, and we have become more cognizant than ever of how we spend it.  Many of us have even reevaluated what is important to us and updated our priorities.  That’s why for 2023, I have selected Revitalize & Reimagine as my theme as your president.  What does that mean for you as a member?  We too are reevaluating and changing.  We will be rolling out new changes to our board structure, our website, and our connection opportunities in 2023 with you in mind.  

Our board is adding a committee structure for increased volunteer opportunities.  Board involvement is great for professional development. This allows for development and/or strengthening skills along with enhancing your professional network.  I will tell you, over the pandemic, had I not had my professional network/Akron SHRM family, I don’t know what I would have done.  We were there to bounce ideas off of each other, share policies & procedures, and helped to keep each other moving forward during that difficult and unknown time.  

The Akron SHRM website should be a tool for you to find valuable information.  The current format presents challenges for members, sponsors, and the board.  As of March 1, 2023, we will be moving to the platform that Ohio SHRM is currently using.  This opens so many new doors for content and ease of use.           

 We currently have our monthly meetings, webinars, and happy hours.  We will be adding additional items over this year to provide you additional professional development.  We will also be getting back into some of the community service and social activities we did pre-pandemic.  Going back to what I said above about being protective of your time, we are looking at some events that will be family friendly.       

I am very excited to roll out what we have planned for  you in 2023.  I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge that Akron Area SHRM exists for you, our members.  That said, I want to hear from you, any ideas, suggestions and recommendations, I welcome you to share them.  You can reach me directly at president@akronshrm.org          

 I will leave you with a quote from my favorite song writer, Dave Matthews; To change the world starts with one step.  However small, first step is hardest of all.  Once you get your gate, you will walk in tall.  Won’t you take that first step and join me as we Revitalize & Reimagine Akron Area SHRM! 

Warm regards, 

Stacey Corbin, SHRM-SCP, PHR